As you could probably see, I haven't posted anything for five years. Well, back in September of 2011, I went out of business. New technology advances coupled with the new unit designs, which made the units more labor intensive and parts were more expensive, ended up in making the newer units no longer economically repairable. Less and less of the older units were coming in for repair and then the O'conomy hit hard and I no longer had much business and didn't make enough money during the summer to carry me thru the winter, so I was force to shut the doors. There were literally people coming in, hoping that I might be able to fix their unit for around 20 bucks, but most of them needed more than double of that in parts alone, not including labor. That was all the money they had to spend to fix it and had to leave without getting a repair. They were forced to either leave their vehicle broke down, or try to find a salvage unit on the cheap.
A couple of years later, I set up a home shop and started doing repairs again part time, but it probably only makes enough money to pay my electric bill for the year and a few extra bucks. Due to the O'conomy, I haven't had a job since I closed shop, nor can I get health care either. This coming election we have a choice between continuing on the path of destruction and making America a third world country, or making a real change in Washington and put the country back on a path to prosperity. We need a business man running the country, not a politician. Politicians have done nothing but take problems that are facing the nation, made them worse, and then their solution is far worse than the original problem was in the first place.